Possible language changes

Doug Lea dl at cs.oswego.edu
Tue Mar 1 15:50:10 GMT 2005

Thanks for confirming that it is hopeless to aim for agreement at
higher layers! Some people want something Ada-like,
some pthreads-like. Etc. Can't win. (Exactly as discussed
in my talk at the VEE workshop last fall. See
http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/cpjslides/lines.pdf or

I think that the best that can be done at layer 3 is to define
some simple and basic notion of a thread:
create, start, destruct, get/set priorities etc,
block, unblock, and associate thread-locals.

And probably some minimal integration of these with lower layers:
Memory effects of starting and terminating, dealing with
exceptions. etc.

Can anyone make a good case for doing more ethan this?


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