[cpp-threads] Thread API interface tweaks

Alexander Terekhov alexander.terekhov at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 00:20:26 BST 2006

On 8/28/06, Peter Dimov <pdimov at mmltd.net> wrote:
> future<R> provides storage for the return value (or the exception). task<Fn,

Or cancel indication (if Fn can throw thread_cancel aka
thread_exit_request<thread_canceled>). A future should better know the
throw spec of Fn and ensure that only specified exceptions (if any;
implicit "..." by default for functions without throw specs aside for
a moment) are caught and transported across threads. Also, you better
turn thread_cancel raised (caught-and-finalized if Fn can throw it
according to throw spec) in the context of "future" invocation into
bool future's canceled() state.


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