[cpp-threads] Re: Exception propogation across threads

Kevlin Henney kevlin at curbralan.com
Thu Feb 22 09:58:56 GMT 2007

Kevlin Henney <kevlin at curbralan.com> writes
>"Meredith, Alisdair" <Alisdair.Meredith at uk.renaultf1.com> writes
>>And to state the obvious, even this may be optimistic with detached
>>threads ...
>Which is exactly why the initiator of the thread, who is in the best 
>position to know whether or how they want to rendezvous with the thread.

Oops, complete thought, but incomplete sentence:

Which is exactly why the initiator of the thread, who is in the best 
position to know whether or how they want to rendezvous with the thread, 
should be responsible for setting up an appropriate termination action, 
such as a callback to terminate the process or notify some other object.


   Kevlin Henney                   phone:  +44 117 942 2990
   mailto:kevlin at curbralan.com     mobile: +44 7801 073 508
   http://www.curbralan.com        fax:    +44 870 052 2289
   Curbralan: Consultancy + Training + Development + Review

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