[cpp-threads] Yet another visibility question

Peter Dimov pdimov at mmltd.net
Wed Jan 10 21:53:26 GMT 2007

Hans Boehm wrote:
> Let me see if I can summarize where I think we might stand.  (I'm a
> little confused ...)
> A number of us think that high-level atomics, ideally with
> sequentially consistent semantics and similar to Java volatiles, are
> highly desirable, since they are the closest to actually being usable
> by mere mortals,
> and give tolerable performance for things like double-checked locking.
> (I think there was, and still is, a fairly clear concensus supporting
> this on the C++ committee.)
> I would really prefer a model in which programs that use high-level
> atomics to synchronize, and have no races on ordinary variables,
> behave sequentially consistently.

Let me see if I understand.

atomic<int> x, y; // 0 0

// thread 1

x = 1;

// thread 2

y = 1;

// thread 3

r1 = x; r2 = y;

// thread 4

r3 = x; r4 = y;

Are you saying that (r1 r2 r3 r4) == (0 1 1 0) is invalid? Doesn't this 
imply on x86 using InterlockedExchange for all stores (and possibly 
InterlockedCompareExchange for all loads, I'm not sure), and on PPC using 
lwarx/stwcx. loops for all operations? 

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