[cpp-threads] C++ memory model

Lawrence Crowl crowl at google.com
Tue Sep 22 08:53:37 BST 2009

On 9/13/09, N.M. Maclaren <nmm1 at cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> My first comment is that I hope that you will put this on the Web.  The
> C++ model (and the papers behind it) are already extremely useful for
> raising in the context of other languages standards, as examples of what
> is needed.  This would be useful when someone says "Ah, but have they
> got it right?"

And a permanent URL make citations in papers modifying the standard

> As an aside, Fortran has backed off from this, and has specified a
> simple sequentially consistent segment model, with implementation
> dependent atomic semantics.  There are good reasons for this, as it is
> targetting a much wider range of architectures (including distributed
> memory clusters), and considerable scalability (thousands of threads and
> upwards).  Sequentially consistent atomics are not good news for such
> requirements ....

As Hans pointed out, there is an ABI issue here as well.

> 2.1 Memory Actions says "The memory action does not explicitly contain a
> location on which the operation acts.  ...  This is a trivial omission
> and is the location is clearly intended to be part of this structure."
> This issue is described further in 3.1.
> 2.2 Access Types and Locations says "Given an atomic, non-atomic or
> locking location, it is not clear whether operations of a different type
> can be applied to it. For instance what does it mean for a locked
> location to be read from and written to by an atomic read-modify-write
> operation? Which value should an atomic read return when it follows an
> atomic write then a non-atomic write at the same location?"
> There is a similar problem to do with updates performed via calls to the
> inherited C and other non-C++ libraries.  Nowhere in the C standard (or
> POSIX, for that matter) is this issue addressed; we had a vigorous
> debate in Fortran on the matter.  This is NOT just a theoretical point
> as, for example, the Intel memory consistency model does not require
> full-size SSE accesses to be atomic, so a vectorised library function
> interacts in unspecified ways with all 'simple' accesses.
> While I personally agree with your solution, which has similarities to
> the one that Fortran has adopted, it has the consequence of preventing a
> lot of reasonable constructions.  For example, such objects could not be
> accessed by any of the functions in <cstring>, nor could they be
> transferred in I/O.  It's a knotty problem.

I think the lack of 'trivally copyable' saves the day.

>  2.3 Consideration of the Initial State says "BA08 does not mention the
>  initial state of the memory. It is not explained under what
>  circumstances a read can return the value of the initial state. ..."
>  3.4 specifies this by introducing the concept of an initial value,
>  which is a bigger change than it might appear.
>  C++ uses the term "indeterminate value" for what uninitialised objects
>  are set to, but does not seem to define it.  C99 defines it in 3.17.2 as
>  "either an unspecified value or a trap representation".

I am reluctant to have trap representations in atomics.  There is no
good way to check for problems ahead of time.

> The reason for that is the nasty question of whether an object HAS an
> initial value as an array of unsigned char - i.e. precisely which
> meaning of "undefined" applies.  There have been (and perhaps still are)
> architectures where the value returned may vary according to the type of
> access.  It isn't implausible that the thread that allocates an object
> might see a different initial value from other threads, especially for
> pointers.  Is that allowed?

I think allowing it would really confuse programmers.  So, I would
rather not.  The implication is, I think, that any dynamic initialization
must be a relaxed store.

Lawrence Crowl

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