book-type stuff

Quick Fry, a page about the pointlessly tall, and talented, Stephen Fry.

The L-Space Web, dedicated to the one we know as pTerry.

clothing-type stuff

Farthingales, who do kits for making Victorian corsets, among other things

The Elizabethan Corset Page (Hmmm, do I give the impression I'm interested in corsets at all?)

Axfords, where lovely corsets can be got.

Vegetarian Shoes, which is where we got my beloved Vegan Docs.

hometown nostalgia-type stuff

Freihof-Gymnasium Göppingen, where I spent a rather fabulous year learning Latin and generally being ten and eleven :-) Warning: this site is, according to Le Geek, rather 'orribly designed, but I'm feeling so nostalgic...

Göppingen, My Home Town, filled with all kinds of extra-special just plain folks, and so on and so forth.

Gingen an der Fils, where I went to school for two years, and about which I often reminisce pointlessly for various reasons, including learning all about potatoes.

Mörike-Gymnasium Göppingen, where my dad works.

music-type stuff

The Bostridge Pages are currently rather out of commission, until I get my act together again. However, the older version is still available here.

Six Healthy Englishmen, devoted to the King's Singers. See also the Official Site and DJ Records.

The Dufay Collective. Listen to them, they're grand!

They Might Be Giants. They just might be.

The Wise Guys, for when you want to hear "Baby one more time" a cappella and in German.

Fretwork are a very viol consort indeed, in fact the tenor of it is that they're utterly bass and nothing but treble. (Bad punes in tribute to N.A. Avenell, Chevalier of the Order of St. Astrid, and J.C. Easton, General Woodwind Deity.)

The Vocaholics - "Save money on your music, don't use instruments!" (They're not using that catchphrase anymore, alas.)

Ordo Virtutum are a rather wonderful Early Music group. Their soprano, Monika Mauch, has a fantastic voice, and of course she's from the correct part of Germany (about 20 minutes from where I used to live) ;-)

The Carnival Band makes me happy.

Laconic are a band belonging to a denizen of #speccy. What I've heard of theirs is quite fab.

Rocketgoldstar still haven't got their own page, so the link is to their page on Vitaminic. Their music is decadent and a bit esoteric but not, IMNSHSO, pretentious.