Debian LTS work, June 2020
I was assigned 20 hours of work by Freexian's Debian LTS initiative, and worked all 20 hours this month.
I sent a final request for testing for the next update to Linux 3.16 in jessie. I also prepared an update to Linux 4.9, included in both jessie and stretch. I completed backporting of kernel changes related to CVE-2020-0543, which was still under embargo, to Linux 3.16.
Finally I uploaded the updates for Linux 3.16 and 4.9, and issued DLA-2241 and DLA-2242.
The end of June marked the end of long-term support for Debian 8 "jessie" and for Linux 3.16. I am no longer maintaining any stable kernel branches, but will continue contributing to them as part of my work on Debian 9 "stretch" LTS and other Debian releases.